Spring cleaning isn’t just for purging items in your attic and freshening up your wardrobe—it’s also for your indoor and outdoor plumbing! Not only does prepping your plumbing for the warmer weather help you figure out if problems sprung up during the winter, but it can also help prevent bigger problems in the future, saving you money in the long run. Here are four ways for you to prep your plumbing this spring—from the plumbing experts at Fosh Plumbing & Heating—so you can address any issues now, rather than letting it ruin your summer fun!
Check Appliances for Leaks to Prevent Big Problems From Springing Up
Although it may be hard to find leaks in areas like attics, crawl spaces and under sinks and water heaters, it’s crucial that you—or a professional—check these areas. When it comes to your water heater, you’re also going to want to check for any corrosion or sediment buildup. As for your other appliances, like your dishwasher, refrigerator and washing machines, it’s important to check their water line connections and make sure they’re working properly as well.
Before Spring Has Sprung, Inspect Your Sump Pump
Everyone and everything feels the effects of winter—even your sump pump. That is why it’s crucial to check on its condition now that warmer weather is on its way. The first thing to look for? Any debris in your sump pump that could be causing blockages. Next, check the pipes in your sump pump for any damage—this can typically be brought on by the ice and snow of winter. Lastly, check the electrical connections in your sump pump to make sure they survived the winter. For an easy way to test your sump pump, pour a few buckets of water into its pit and wait to see how it reacts. If the pump float is triggered and the unit turns on within in a few of seconds, you’re in the clear; if this doesn’t happen, you should call a professional ASAP.
Check Your Drainage System Before Issues Bloom
Between the snow and ice of winter, your drains and gutters may be a little worse for ware, and if that’s the case, they can cause damage to both the exterior and interior of your home. To prevent flooding in your backyard, have a professional come and check the condition of your drainage system and gutters. Plus, checking these outdoor elements can help prevent leaks from happening inside of your home.
Inspect Your Outdoor Faucets to Ensure They’re as Fresh as a Daisy
No matter what season it is, inspecting your outdoor faucets should be a priority. If you didn’t have a hose bib installed before the winter months hit, your outdoor pipes may have burst; if you did winterize your outdoor pipes, then they should still be intact, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t susceptible to leaks. The best way to check your outdoor faucets? Simply turn them on and take note of what the water flow is like. If the water pressure seems low, there could be leaks and it may be time for them to be replaced by a professional plumber.
Whether you need plumbing leaks addressed, a sump pump replaced or dewinterization of your plumbing and heating systems, the experts at Fosh Plumbing & Heating can take care of it all. Let us help you get your home’s plumbing ready for spring—contact us today!